Полная книга Булуг аль-Марам, арабский и перевод Книга Булуг аль-Марам, Арабский язык и перевод Это применение-полный обзор
Complete Book of Bulugh al-Maram, Arabic and Translation
Complete Book of Bulugh al-Maram, Arabic and Translation
This application is a complete review of each book chapter by chapter
1. Book Thaharah
2. The Book of Prayers
3. The Book of Bodies
4. The Book of Zakat
5. Book Shiyam
6. The Book of Hajj
7. Book Purchase
8. The Book of Marriage
9. The Book of Criminal
10. The Book of Punishment
11. The Book of Jihad
12. The Book of Food
13. The Book of Oaths and Nadzar
14. The Book End Case
15. The Book of Slaves
16. The Book of Completeness
- Writing Arabic Very Clear
- Application of light
- The use of very simple
- The size of the application is only 1 MB
- Application Offline This application can walk without an internet connection